home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 data 000,037,147,049,140,048,146,056
- 20 data 055,148,048,130,057,057,057,031
- 30 ifpeek(124)=76andpeek(126)=192thenpoke127,0
- 35 open15,8,15,"u9":open1,0:poke53280,11:poke53281,0
- 40 n$="":n1$="":n2$=""
- 50 print"[147][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]"
- 60 print" batch utilities"
- 70 print"[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]"
- 80 print"select:"
- 90 print" 1- find error"
- 100 print" 2- convert seq to speedscript"
- 110 print" 3- print seq file"
- 120 print" 4- make empty file"
- 130 print" 5- exit program"
- 140 geti$:a=val(i$):ifa<1ora>5then140
- 150 onagoto180,340,490,590:print"[147]";
- 160 close1:close2:close3:close15:clr
- 170 end
- 180 print"[147] ** find error **"
- 190 input"filename";n$:ifn$=""then40
- 200 e=peek(50997)+256*peek(50998):e$=""
- 210 e=e/4096:fori=1to4:a=int(e):e$=e$+chr$(48+a-(a>9)*7)
- 220 e=16*(e-a):next
- 230 print"location? $";e$;"[157][157][157][157]";
- 240 input#1,e$:iflen(e$)<>4ore$="0000"then40
- 250 e=0:fori=1to4:a=asc(e$):a=a-48+(a>64)*7:e$=mid$(e$,2)
- 260 e=16*e+a:next:print"[147]":c=0
- 270 open2,8,2,"0:"+n$+",s,r":gosub1000
- 280 get#2,i$:a=st:c=c+1:ifi$=chr$(13)theni$="_"+i$
- 290 ifc>ethenpoke199,1
- 295 getj$:ifj$=" "thenpoke198,0:wait198,1:getj$
- 300 ifj$=chr$(13)thena=1
- 310 printi$;:ifa=0then280
- 320 close2:print:print" press a key"
- 330 wait198,15:poke198,0:goto40
- 340 print"[147] ** convert seq to speedscript **"
- 350 input"source file";n1$:ifn1$=""then40
- 360 input"output file";n2$:ifn2$=""then40
- 370 open2,8,2,"0:"+n1$+",s,r":gosub1000
- 390 open3,8,3,"0:"+n2$+",p,w":gosub1000
- 400 restore:fori=1to16:reada
- 410 print#3,chr$(a);:next:print"[147]"
- 420 get#2,i$:a=st:j$=i$:ifj$=chr$(13)thenj$="_"
- 430 printj$;:poke783,1:sys65520:x=peek(782)+40*(peek(782)>39):y=peek(781)
- 440 i=peek(1023+x+y*40):print#3,chr$(i);:i=st
- 450 ifi$=chr$(13)thenprint
- 460 ifithengosub1000
- 470 ifa=0then420
- 480 print#3,chr$(146);chr$(48);:close2:close3:goto40
- 490 print"[147] ** print seq file **"
- 500 input"filename";n$:ifn$=""then40
- 510 print"print to device# 4[157]";:input#1,d:ifd=0then40
- 520 open2,8,2,"0:"+n$+",s,r":gosub1000:open3,d:l=0:p=1:print"[147]"
- 530 ifl=0thenprint#3,chr$(14);n$,"page";p;chr$(15):print#3:l=2
- 540 get#2,i$:a=st:ifi$=chr$(13)theni$="_"+i$:l=l+1
- 550 print#3,i$;
- 560 ifl=62thenfori=1to4:print#3:next:l=0:p=p+1
- 570 ifa=0then530
- 580 close2:print#3:close3:goto40
- 590 print"[147] ** make empty file **"
- 600 input"filename";n$:ifn$=""then40
- 610 open2,8,2,"0:"+n$+",p,w":gosub1000
- 620 restore:fori=0to15:reada:print#2,chr$(a);:next
- 630 close2:goto40
- 1000 ds$=""
- 1010 get#15,b$:ds$=ds$+b$:ifb$<>chr$(13)then1010
- 1020 ifleft$(ds$,2)="00"thenreturn
- 1030 print"[147]error:[146] ";ds$:goto160